Objects optional chaining ?.

September 18, 2020


Accessing a nested object property where the reference is missing throws an error and breaks the code

const people = [
		name: "Larry",
		pet: {
			name: "Mittens"
		name: "Moe"

people.forEach(person => {
	console.log(person.pet.name); // throws error!

Previous solution

Check if the reference exists and then try to access the property

people.forEach(person => {
	person.pet && console.log(person.pet.name); // check that pet exists first

New solution

Use optional chaining ?.. Instead of throwing an error, it returns undefined, and all it took was adding a question mark!

people.forEach(person => {
	console.log(person.pet?.name); // optional chaining

I saw optional chaining used in a gatsby starter template and was seriously mindblown. 🤯


This is pretty new so it hasn’t reached cross-browser stability. Best to use this with babel support via @babel/plugin-proposal-optional-chaining


Hey, I'm Nancy Huynh
I'm a self-taught front-end developer relaxing in Toronto
This is a collection of new things I'm learning