React Testing Library: find* queries

September 15, 2020

The findBy* queries are simple combinations of getBy* queries and waitFor(). findBy* queries returns a promise that resolves when an element is found; the promise is rejected if no element is found or if more than one element is found. findBy* has a default timeout of 1000ms.

if we expect multiple elements to be found use findAllBy* queries, which works similarly but returns a promise that resolves to an array of elements instead

The built-in timeout comes in handy when testing async operations and components, i.e. Formik form submissions are async

test('ShippingForm cannot be submitted empty', async () => {
    // <ShippingForm /> is a Formik form component
		render(<ShippingForm />);

    const submit = screen.getByTestId("submit-shipping-button");
		// Formik form submits are async, so use findBy* and findAllBy* queries
    const shippingForm = await screen.findByTestId("shipping-form");

    const requiredTexts = await screen.findAllByText(/required/i);


Hey, I'm Nancy Huynh
I'm a self-taught front-end developer relaxing in Toronto
This is a collection of new things I'm learning