Use waitFor when testing Formik forms

September 14, 2020

Problem: Methods called by Formik onSubmit appear not to be called when testing with Jest

// Truncated code
test('setValues is called when submitting', () => {
	const setValues = jest.fn();
	render(<MyForm />);

With the above test Jest tells us that setValues has been called 0 times, even though when manually testing I can see that it has been called after clicking on the submit button

Solution: Use waitFor() in React Testing Library

// Truncated code
test('setValues is called when submitting', async () => {
	const setValues = jest.fn();
	render(<MyForm />);
	await waitFor(() => {

Note: waitFor() is an async utility, hence the use of async and await. Should also be able to use then and the done() function from Jest, since waitFor() returns a Promise


Hey, I'm Nancy Huynh
I'm a self-taught front-end developer relaxing in Toronto
This is a collection of new things I'm learning